1 個人情報の利用目的
個人情報の類型 | 利用目的 |
(1) お客さまに関する個人情報 |
(2)株主の皆様に関する個人情報 |
(3)お客様相談室等へお問合せされた方に関する個人情報 |
(4)入社を希望される皆様に関する個人情報 |
(5)従業員に関する個人情報 |
(6)退職者に関する個人情報 |
個人情報の類型 | 利用目的 |
(1) お客さまに関する個人情報 |
(2)株主の皆様に関する個人情報 |
(3)お客様相談室等へお問合せされた方に関する個人情報 |
(4)入社を希望される皆様に関する個人情報 |
(5)従業員に関する個人情報 |
(6)退職者に関する個人情報 |
当社では、「1 個人情報の利用目的」について明示した、利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内において個人情報の取扱いの委託をすることがあります。
ご請求をする場合には、下記の窓口に、当グループ所定の「利用目的の通知および開示の個人情報 請求書」(77.0KB)または「訂正、追加、削除等の個人情報 請求書」
株式会社タカラトミー タカラトミーグループ 個人情報担当窓口 宛
〒124-8511 東京都葛飾区立石7-9-10
1)本人確認をするための書類 |
2)代理人確認のための書類 | 親権者もしくは成年後見人からの申し出の場合:
株式会社タカラトミー タカラトミーグループ 個人情報担当窓口 宛
〒124-8511 東京都葛飾区立石7-9-10
These Policies are made in Japanese and translated into English. The Japanese text is the original and the English text is for reference purposes. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between these two texts, the Japanese text shall prevail.
The following are the utilization purposes for each of the following types of personal information acquired by TOMY Company, Ltd. (“we” or “us”).
Type of Personal Information | Utilization Purpose(s) |
(1)Personal information about customers |
(2)Personal information about shareholders |
(3)Personal information about those who contacted TOMY Customer Service and other points of contact |
(4)Personal information about those who want to work with us |
(5)Personal information about employees |
(6)Personal information about retirees |
We may entrust the handling of personal information to the extent necessary to achieve our utilization purposes specified in “1. Utilization Purposes of Personal Information.”
We may jointly utilize personal information about our customers for the below purposes.
We prevent leakage, loss or damage of personal information through taking safety management measures for personal information by establishing and improving the system for protecting personal information, education and enlightenment activities for employees, entrance and exit management of company buildings, information security measures. In addition, we ensure that personal information we do not retain will be discarded or deleted in an appropriate manner.
To request the notification of utilization purposes of your personal information, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, ceasing of the utilization, erasing, or ceasing of the provision to any third party, of your personal information retained by us (“Disclosure, etc.”), please go through the following procedure.
Please note that you will be charged 1,000 yen (consumption tax inclusive) per request for the administrative service fee and return mailing cost when you request the notification of utilization purposes, or disclosure, of your personal information. It normally takes about five business days to disclose retained personal information.
Please complete the prescribed form, “Request for Notification of Utilization Purposes and Disclosure of Personal Information” (77.0 KB Written in Japanese) or “Request for Personal Information Correction, Addition, Deletion, Etc.” (76.3 KB Written in Japanese) according to your request, enclose the required documents in (2) below, and send them to the following point of contact by ordinary registered mail with delivery certification. In addition, please indicate “Personal Information Request Enclosed” on your envelope.
[Point of Contact]
To TOMY Group Point of Contact on Personal Information
TOMY Company, Ltd.
7-9-10 Tateishi, Katsushika-ku,
Tokyo, 124-8511
1)Documents to verify identity |
2)Documents to verify agent | In the case of a request from a person who has a parental authority or an adult guardian:
If there is any deficiency or unclear point in submitted documents, we will notify you to that effect, and if you do not provide us with the relevant complete information within a given period of time, we will send you back the submitted documents as if the Disclosure, etc. were not requested.
Please send your inquiry about the handling of personal information by mail to the point of contact below.
Point of Contact on Handling of Personal Information
To TOMY Group Point of Contact on Personal Information
TOMY Company, Ltd.
7-9-10 Tateishi, Katsushika-ku,
Tokyo, 124-8511
Revised in April 2022