
1 個人情報の利用目的


個人情報の類型 利用目的
(1) お客さまに関する個人情報
  • ・各種イベント、キャンペーンおよび展示会等に応募された方へのご案内、商品・サービスの情報のご提供等
  • ・キャンペーン、アンケート、モニター等の実施及びその景品・謝礼・商品等の発送
  • ・インタ-ネット、通信販売事業および小売販売店での商品注文受付・発送・修理等
  • ・当社が運営するファンクラブやメールマガジン等の会員登録およびご案内の送付
  • ・お客さまとの連絡、協力、契約の履行、履行請求
  • ・雑誌広告およびインターネット等への掲載
  • ・当社の運営するウェブサイトへの掲載又は当社が関わるテレビ番組等への出演
  • ・お客さまの趣味・嗜好に応じた広告等の表示、その他マーケティング活動を実施するための統計・分析
  • ・会社法に基づく権利の行使・義務の履行のため
  • ・各種法令に基づく所定の基準による株主のデータを作成する等、株主様管理のため
  • ・株主様としての地位に対し、当社から株主優待等の各種便宜を供与するため
  • ・株主様と当社の関係を円滑にするための各種の方策(アンケート等)を実施するため
  • ・お問合せ・修理依頼・相談等のご要望等への対応
  • ・採用選考
  • ・内定者管理
  • ・採用情報PRのための情報発信
  • ・従業者の雇用管理等
  • ・雑誌広告およびインターネット等への掲載
  • ・当社の運営するウェブサイトへの掲載又は当社が関わるテレビ番組等への出演
  • ・OB会の案内等の連絡
  • ・会社情報等のご連絡

2 個人情報の取扱いの委託について

当社では、「1 個人情報の利用目的」について明示した、利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内において個人情報の取扱いの委託をすることがあります。

3 個人情報の共同利用について


  1. (1) 共同利用する目的

    • 各種アンケートやキャンペーン応募書類を集約管理するため
    • 商品モニター調査結果をグループで利用するため
    • お客様相談管理業務をグループ共通システムウエアで運営するため
    • 各種お問合せや資料請求その他のご依頼を円滑に対応するため
  2. (2) 共同利用する個人データの項目

    • 氏名、住所、電話番号、FAX番号、電子メールアドレスなど
  3. (3) 共同利用する範囲

    • 株式会社タカラトミー
    • 株式会社タカラトミーアーツ
    • 株式会社トミーテック
    • 株式会社タカラトミーマーケティング
    • 株式会社タカラトミーフィールドテック
    • 株式会社タカラトミーアイビス
    • 株式会社ペニイ
    • 株式会社キデイランド
  4. (4) 個人情報の管理について責任を有する者

    • 株式会社タカラトミー 代表取締役 富山 彰夫

4 安全管理措置について


5 個人情報の開示等の求めに応じる手続きについて



(1) 受付窓口

ご請求をする場合には、下記の窓口に、当グループ所定の「利用目的の通知および開示の個人情報 請求書」pdf(77.0KB)または「訂正、追加、削除等の個人情報 請求書」pdf(76.3KB)(請求目的に応じて選択)に下記(2)の必要書類を同封し、配達証明のある一般書留郵便にてご送付願います。

株式会社タカラトミー タカラトミーグループ 個人情報担当窓口 宛
〒124-8511 東京都葛飾区立石7-9-10

(2) 必要書類

  • 「利用目的の通知および開示の個人情報 請求書」pdf(77.0KB)または「訂正、追加、削除等の個人情報 請求書」pdf(76.3KB)
  • ・上記請求書に記載されている開示等を求める方の氏名および住所と同一の氏名および住所が記載されている住民票の写し(コピーは不可)1通
  • ・上記請求書に記載されている開示等を求める方の氏名および住所と同一の氏名および住所が記載されている運転免許証、パスポート、健康保険の被保険者証、年金手帳、住民基本台帳カードのコピーのいずれか1通


6 個人情報の取扱いに関するご相談・苦情について


株式会社タカラトミー タカラトミーグループ 個人情報担当窓口 宛
〒124-8511 東京都葛飾区立石7-9-10


Public Disclosure in Accordance with the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information”

These Policies are made in Japanese and translated into English. The Japanese text is the original and the English text is for reference purposes. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between these two texts, the Japanese text shall prevail.

1 Utilization Purposes of Personal Information

The following are the utilization purposes for each of the following types of personal information acquired by TOMY Company, Ltd. (“we” or “us”).

Type of Personal Information Utilization Purpose(s)
(1)Personal information about customers
  • ・For providing information about events, campaigns, exhibitions and other opportunities to applicants, and providing information about our products and services
  • ・For carrying out the campaign, sending questionnaires and conducting consumer panel surveys, and sending gifts, rewards therefor, products and other items
  • ・For receiving orders, shipping products, and repairing products over the Internet, through our mail order business, and at retailers
  • ・For registering as members of fan clubs, e-magazines and other channels that we administer and sending information thereon
  • ・For communicating and cooperating with customers, fulfilling contracts, and seeking contract fulfillment
  • ・For posting information on magazine advertisements, web pages and other media
  • ・For posting information on our website and for customers’ appearing on television and other programs in which we involved
  • ・For placing an advertisement according to customers’ hobbies/preferences, and statistical analysis for carrying out other marketing activities
(2)Personal information about shareholders
  • ・For exercising rights and performing obligations in accordance with the Companies Act
  • ・For managing shareholders including preparing shareholder data in line with prescribed standards in accordance with laws and regulations
  • ・For providing various benefits including shareholder benefits for the status as shareholders
  • ・For taking various measures including sending questionnaires to smooth the relationship between shareholders and us
(3)Personal information about those who contacted TOMY Customer Service and other points of contact
  • ・For responding to requests and other communications including questions, repair requests and other inquiries
(4)Personal information about those who want to work with us
  • ・For employment screening
  • ・For managing prospective employees
  • ・For delivering information to disseminate employment opportunities
(5)Personal information about employees
  • ・For managing employment
  • ・For posting information on magazine advertisements, web pages and other media
  • ・For posting information on our website and for employees’ appearing on television and other programs in which we involved
(6)Personal information about retirees
  • ・For sending information including reunions for retirees
  • ・For sending information including company information

2 Entrustment of Handling of Personal Information

We may entrust the handling of personal information to the extent necessary to achieve our utilization purposes specified in “1. Utilization Purposes of Personal Information.”

3 Joint Utilization of Personal Information

We may jointly utilize personal information about our customers for the below purposes.

  1. (1) Purposes of jointly utilizing personal information

    • For centrally managing completed questionnaires and applications for campaigns
    • For utilizing consumer panel survey results in our group companies
    • For running the customer service using intranet shared among group companies
    • For facilitating response to inquiries, brochure requests and other requests
  2. (2) Items of jointly utilized personal information

    • Full name, address, telephone number, fax number, email address, and other data
  3. (3) Group companies jointly utilizing personal information

    • TOMY Company, Ltd.
    • T-ARTS Company, Ltd.
    • TOMY TEC CO., LTD.
    • T-FIELDTEC Company, Ltd.
  4. (4) Company responsible for controlling personal information

    • TOMY Company, Ltd. Representative Director Akio Tomiyama

4 Safety Management Measures

We prevent leakage, loss or damage of personal information through taking safety management measures for personal information by establishing and improving the system for protecting personal information, education and enlightenment activities for employees, entrance and exit management of company buildings, information security measures. In addition, we ensure that personal information we do not retain will be discarded or deleted in an appropriate manner.

5 Procedure to Meet Requests for Disclosure of Personal Information and Other Actions

To request the notification of utilization purposes of your personal information, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, ceasing of the utilization, erasing, or ceasing of the provision to any third party, of your personal information retained by us (“Disclosure, etc.”), please go through the following procedure.

Please note that you will be charged 1,000 yen (consumption tax inclusive) per request for the administrative service fee and return mailing cost when you request the notification of utilization purposes, or disclosure, of your personal information. It normally takes about five business days to disclose retained personal information.

(1) Point of contact

Please complete the prescribed form, “Request for Notification of Utilization Purposes and Disclosure of Personal Information” (77.0 KB Written in Japanese) or “Request for Personal Information Correction, Addition, Deletion, Etc.” (76.3 KB Written in Japanese) according to your request, enclose the required documents in (2) below, and send them to the following point of contact by ordinary registered mail with delivery certification. In addition, please indicate “Personal Information Request Enclosed” on your envelope.

[Point of Contact]
To TOMY Group Point of Contact on Personal Information
TOMY Company, Ltd.
7-9-10 Tateishi, Katsushika-ku,
Tokyo, 124-8511

(2) Required documents

1)Documents to verify identity
2)Documents to verify agent
In the case of a request from a person who has a parental authority or an adult guardian:

If there is any deficiency or unclear point in submitted documents, we will notify you to that effect, and if you do not provide us with the relevant complete information within a given period of time, we will send you back the submitted documents as if the Disclosure, etc. were not requested.

6 Inquiries and Complaints About Handling of Personal Information

Please send your inquiry about the handling of personal information by mail to the point of contact below.

Point of Contact on Handling of Personal Information
To TOMY Group Point of Contact on Personal Information
TOMY Company, Ltd.
7-9-10 Tateishi, Katsushika-ku,
Tokyo, 124-8511

Revised in April 2022