*Regarding some of the vocabulary used in relation to our Group sustainability and CSR, we reviewed and changed some terms when setting our medium-term sustainability targets and KPIs in May 2021. This page was released in June 2018 and is listed in old (until end of FY2020) vocabulary. Click here for a chart showing the updated terms.
In April 2018, we created a TOMY Group social responsibility framework
which sets out our CSR vision of
“becoming friends with children around the world”
and how to achieve it. This framework will serve as the bedrock for future activities.
So how did our project team set about creating this framework?

This mission was set by our company chairman and director
of the social responsibility project, Kantaro Tomiyama.
The group-wide project was officially launched in April 2016 after preparatory project members pinpointed target activities based on our policy and three pillars of social responsibility. In the first year, the project focused on reorganizing past and current activities according to the ISO 26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility to clearly define the links between our core business and society, and expanding the disclosure of social responsibility-related information.
In this second year, we have extended our focus to include our 100th anniversary in 2024 and beyond, and started discussing how best to contribute going forward.
In the discussion, we referred to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are 17 environmental, social and economic goals that all member states have agreed to aspire to achieve by 2030.

The SDGs are:
- - common global agenda agreed by international community in 2015,
- - made up of 17 universal goals and 169 individual targets which involve the entire world, developed and developing countries alike,
- - keenly focused on in the business world such as the Charter of Corporate Behavior of the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren), and also embraced by people working with children and seeking to explain and spread the goals across schools and educational venues worldwide.

Upon completing these processes,
we created the TOMY Group social responsibility framework,
which clarifies our CSR vision and how to approach and realize it.

We have completed a framework for achieving our CSR vision
of becoming friends with children around the world.
We are now actively identifying issues to further clarify
the right approach and promoting the framework both inside and outside the Group.
The progress reports can be found on our social responsibility website.