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Sustainability Initiatives | Corporate Governance

Addressing Social Issues

Corporate Governance

Our Focus on Social Issues

With corporate governance codes being widely enforced, more and more outside directors being appointed and ESG investment expanding, companies are required to disclose appropriate information to improve the transparency and reliability of their corporate governance. Boards of Directors are expected to reflect a diverse perspective in their decision-making processes, which can be achieved through a diverse representation of genders, ages, and international experience. Companies are also expected to build frameworks that can respond swiftly to changes in social environments along with effective risk management systems.

Relevant TOMY Group Materialities and SDGs

TOMY Group
Social Responsibility
through Business
10. Governance supporting the creation of Asobi 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS17 PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GLOALS
11. Risk management supporting the creation of Asobi 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS

Key Initiatives