Dissona Chapter

[Episode3 Part2]PARTNER←HOPE

“Hey Mikomiko ......! You're hunting beginners again!”

"Hey Mikomiko ......! You're hunting beginners again!"

“Oh, my God, Hirana. I'm not sure what to say. Mikomiko is just kicking the crap out of any DIVA who challenges me with this 'Miko Oshi' I got in my hand!”

"Oh, my God, Hirana. I'm not sure what to say. Mikomiko is just kicking the crap out of any DIVA who challenges me with this 'Miko Oshi' I got in my hand!"

"Crap, ......! But you don't need to fight all the kids who don't have strong SIGNI in Dissona yet!"

"It's just that those DIVAs challenged me, and it's not Mikomiko's fault~?"

Hirana appeared in front of Mikomiko and tried to stop her act, which was completely out of control.

"Rather, I'm betting Mikomiko's precious SIGNI as a reward, so if I win, I get the other player's SIGNI - and I keep doing that to increase my own strength. It's as smart a strategy as any, don't you think?"

"Even if it is! What if the new DIVA players who joined ...... can't enjoy the game and quit?

"That has nothing to do with Mikomiko!"

"Damn! If you won't listen to me, I'll do battle with you!

Mikomiko is not the type of person who listens to what others say. When Hirana was about to start a battle with Mikomiko...

"Hey, what ......!"

Suddenly a large number of Dissona SIGNIs appeared around the two of them. Is this an overflow of wishes from ...... some DIVAs? For example, the thought of not wanting to lose here--?

Suddenly a large number of Dissona SIGNIs appeared around the two of them. Is this an overflow of wishes from ...... some DIVAs? For example, the thought of not wanting to lose here--?

"What, hey what's this! What's going on? Why is everyone coming towards Mikomiko ......!"

Whether they are conscious or not, the SIGNIs are gathering toward Mikomiko and Hirana. They don't look like they have any malicious intent, but they are certainly heading toward the two of them.

"Mikomiko, Mikomiko ...... maybe you did something to make SIGNI hate you ......?"

"Hey, I didn't do anything ......!"

"Then why are they all over here ......! Don't drag me into this ......!

"What? You're the one who came here to get involved ......!"

"Anyway, what are we going to do about this?"

"If they're coming to us, we'll have to take them down......!"

However, even at a cursory glance, there are dozens of SIGNI. There are too many for the two of them to battle.

"Even Mikomiko is scared to fight this many of them with just the two of us. ......!"

"But if we don't do anything, we'll be squirming......!"

-----Boom! Boom!

"Hey, what's that sound!"

Over the crowd of SIGNI, they heard what sounded like something blowing up. Followed by a buzz of DIVA and SIGNI.


When the same sound comes again, the number of SIGNI in the area decreased and the other side can be seen.

"Oh, is that ...... Tama ......?"

Hirana's line of sight was Tama, who was not pure white as before, but had a black-colored appearance. She was defeating the new large number of SIGNI one after another.

"Hey, what's with that strong DIVA! Do you know her ......?"

"Umm, yes, ....... But ...... something is wrong, maybe ......."

“I will not allow anyone to put Ruu in harm's way. ...... Tama will defeat all the strong ......!

”I will not allow anyone to put Ruu in harm's way. ...... Tama will defeat all the strong ......!

Tama and the SIGNI next to her were knocking down the SIGNIs around them.

"Could that be Tama's Partner SIGNI......?"

Tama, who came here in search of Mikomiko, whom she had heard was “strong,” had come to this world without Ruuko - people who treated her badly, and herself, who could not act well, to a SIGNI in Ruuko's image... ...had gained a partner SIGNI, born of a wish to destroy everything.

Tama, who came here in search of Mikomiko, whom she had heard was "strong," had come to this world without Ruuko - people who treated her badly, and herself, who could not act well, to a SIGNI in Ruuko's image... ...had gained a partner SIGNI, born of a wish to destroy everything.

The momentum of the battle shows that it is a highly aggressive SIGNI that specializes in fighting.


Whether it is a yell or a scream,...... Tama launched attack after attack, and in response, her partner SIGNI mercilessly knocked down the SIGNIs around her.

Hanayo and Midoriko, who have been following Tama, see this situation. I don't know the details of the situation, but I thought to myself, "I can't let Tama fight like this,.......

"Tama! Stay with me!"

"Don't lose yourself!""

Midoriko grabs Tama's arm.

"You're about to be drawn into that figure ...... feeling ......."

She realized that Tama was probably on the verge of going out of control when she turned blacker and fought single-mindedly with her SIGNI.

"Let it go ......!"



Tama regained consciousness at the sound of their serious voices.

"...... Hanayo, Midoriko....... Tama...... what happened......."

"...... huh. Good."

The two relieved that she realized them and met them eyes.

"You just got a little rushed, that's all... you'll be fine once you calm down."

Tama, coming to my senses, looked at SIGNI standing next to her.

"This is ...."

"Is that Tama's 'Partner SIGNI'?"

"I don't know ....... when I have to fight, I thought I have to win, then ...... this is ......."

I see. That's how it's born. ......

"Before we talk about that, we'd better do something about this large number of SIGNIs."

Midoriko noticed Hirana and Mikomiko still surrounded by SIGNIs and suggested that they shoud concentrate on the battle for once. She took down the SIGNIs trying to swarm Hirana and the others from the outside.

"Tama ......! Are you okay!?"

Hirana rushed over to Tama and the others with most of the SIGNIs under control. She held Tama's hand and thanked her for saving her.

"I'm surprised you're so strong, Tama!"

"She's even stronger now that she's got a partner SIGNI."

Hanayo replied on Tama's behalf. In fact, Tama was defeating about 80% of the SIGNI by herself.

"I see! I also have a Partner SIGNI born from the battle earlier....... I don't know if it's because it's dedicated to me, or it's just easier to use, or it's just a good match,......, anyway it was easier to fight than usual!"

The trigger to obtain a Partner SIGNI remains a mystery, but it seems certain that not only Dissona SIGNI but also Partner SIGNIs are being created one after another.

The trigger to obtain a Partner SIGNI remains a mystery, but it seems certain that not only Dissona SIGNI but also Partner SIGNIs are being created one after another.

"Hirana is also getting stronger......? Can you find ...... Unknown with me?"

Tama thought that with a strong DIVA, they might be able to find the Unknown themselves.


Hirana smiled.

"And ...... that means we've also got the technique to defeat Mikomiko!"

And as she said this, she turned back to Mikomiko, who had somehow come up behind her, and pointed a finger in her direction.

"...... Geez!"

Mikomiko was suddenly speaking to herself, and she braced herself. But she soon remembered her purpose and called out to Tama.

"You ...... want to find the Unknown, don't you?"

"Tama? Tama wants to find the ...... Unknown. ...... first!"

It was assumed that all the DIVAs here were looking for Unknown, but Tama's desperation seemed different from the other DIVAs. For Mikomiko, that is something to be thankful for in making a 'request'.

"I have an idea where she is."

In order for Mikomiko to capture the Unknown and receive the reward, she needs to gather a strong group of friends and a strong SIGNI.

"...... Really!"

Tama was forced to close in on Mikomiko.

"O..of course, ......!"

Overwhelmed by the situation, Mikomiko persevered, not missing any chances. Getting rewards is more important than anything else. Become a top DIVA and become very rich--that's why ......!

"Hey, you're not saying anything random, are you! Tama, don't be deceived!"

Hirana thought that Mikomiko was just talking nicely to get Tama to join her. Not a single word of that had been said earlier ....... Believing without evidence will only hurt Tama.

"So, but ...... we might be able to find ...... Ruu."

However, in the face of the information from Unknown, Tama was unable to make normal judgments. It was the first 'possibility'. She didn't want to miss it. ......

“Of course I have an idea, and I can fight with you for it. Mikomiko is strong now, and I can help you! Let's work together to find the Unknown ......!”

"Of course I have an idea, and I can fight with you for it. Mikomiko is strong now, and I can help you! Let's work together to find the Unknown ......!"

"Tama ......"

Hanayo and Midoriko could not decide whether to believe this Mikomiko person, judging from Hirana's appearance. If she is lying, we must stop Tama, but if she really has information, it will be for Tama's sake. ......

"Okay. Tama, I'll go with you."

"Hmmm...that's the way it's going to be."

Tama decided to go with Mikomiko.