Dissona Chapter

[Episode3 Part1]PARTNER←HOPE

A new area in the virtual space WIXOSS LAND named “Dissona.

A new area in the virtual space WIXOSS LAND named "Dissona.

Originally two independent areas, one with a Japanese style and the other with a Gothic horror style, were suddenly blended and fused together by a mysterious phenomenon.

The cause of the phenomenon was still being analyzed by management and development. In the process, a capture quest was issued to DIVA, as there might be a clue to the solution in the SIGNI that occurred in Dissona in the form of Ruuko Kominato - [Unknown]. The person who captures it will be given whatever he or she desires, and the Dissona is currently filled with many DIVAs.

The DIVA and Dissona SIGNI were all dressed in a mix of Japanese and Western costumes, making the event look very "event-like".

However, the area remained unstable, as if there was a constant system error in the area. The fusion had not been completely contained and was still progressing slowly. The management was constantly monitoring and patrolling the site on monitors to ensure the safety of DIVA during the quest.

'In order to capture the Unknown, a stronger Dissonance SIGNI must be used.'

--Since that additional information was announced by the management, battles for the SIGNI has been frequent, and Piruluk, Ril and Mel were once separated from Tama and the others.

While battling themselves, they were also actively gathering information related to the Unknown, and conversely, they were having Tama and the others battle anyway.

"It seems there are a lot of SIGNI in Dissona who don't get along with each other."

This was the case with the SIGNIs acquired in the earlier battles.

“I wonder if it means that when they come from different worlds, they often don't come to terms with each other. It's not like they don't mix up to the spirit. ......”

"I wonder if it means that when they come from different worlds, they often don't come to terms with each other. It's not like they don't mix up to the spirit. ......"

Piruluk felt a little uncomfortable handling such a SIGNI, but when she was told that she needed a Dissona SIGNI to find and capture the Unknown, she had no choice but to collect them.

"Some of the SIGNI seem to think we have to work together to solve this situation."

"Is that so ......?"

"That's what the SIGNI said."

Ril directly asked the Dissona SIGNI what was going on

Ril directly asked the Dissona SIGNI what was going on.

It is quite interesting to be able to communicate with a SIGNI. However, it would be necessary to do well so that there would be no trouble among the team.

Furthermore, in the course of our battles, we were able to hear an interesting story from one of the DIVAs.

"By the way, I wonder if it's true what they say about DIVA's wish being embodied and becoming a SIGNI....."

Piruluk folded her arms and pondered.

"Actually, that DIVA acquaintance of mine said she was getting that, so..."

Ril believed the story because she didn't want to lie Intentionally.

"As I recall, it was an English fluent SIGNI ...... that was born out of a desire to speak English, wasn't it?"

"I wonder if it has something to do with the area's system of SIGNI materializing."

As Mel says, how that could happen is beyond the realm of the imagination if it's true.

As Mel says, how that could happen is beyond the realm of the imagination if it's true.

"If it wasn't obtained by any particular procedure, but was born out of nowhere, does it mean that ......DIVA's own deepest psychological wishes and desires were sensed by Dissona, scooped up, and made into a SIGNI, and then materialized? If so, it could be ...... a tricky ...... thing."

Conversely, DIVA has no control over what kind of SIGNI are produced ......, which gave Piruluk a bad feeling that it might cause further confusion.

It's amazing that you can even predict such a thing~!

"It's amazing that you can even predict such a thing~!"

-Hearing that voice from behind her, Piruluk's expression became distorted.

She looked over her shoulder to see that.

"......Remember ......."

Piruluk sighed when she saw the smiling face of Remember.

"Huu. What can I do for you ......?"

"Oh no, Kiyoi-chan. We are friends. Can't I talk to you unless I have something to need?"

"Well, for my part, I'd be happy to ...... do so."

Ril and Mel confused at the atmosphere between them. They thought that they should mind their own business , so they were silently watching the conversation go on.

"That's terrible. When you say it like that, you see, ...... the horoscope also says 'be nice to people'?"

"Thanks for the advice. Now, in order to be 'nice' to you, may I leave now?"

Piruluk's intention was not to be nice to her if she kept on talking.

As she was about to walk away, Remember said, "Oh, yes♪" meaningfully.

Seeing Piruluk stop for a moment, Remember continued talking.

"I saw something interesting! Tama-san ......, right? You should be careful with that one... ♪"

"...... Ril, Mel, let's go."

Piruluk is not willing to listen to what Remember says, even if something really happened to Tama. It would be impossible for her to believe Remember's side and have any doubts about Tama without any evidence.

She urged Ril and Mel to start moving their halted feet forward again.

"I won't know if anything happens~!"

Ignoring the voice of Remember shouting behind her, she returned to gathering information.

"Piruluk, are you okay?"

Mel was worried and talked to Piruluk.

"Yeah, no problem. I'm not going to be disturbed by her anymore."

"I see."

Mel smiled.

"If you ever need anything, we're here for you. You can always count on us."

Ril said the same thing.

"Thank you ......."

It is reassuring to know that she has a group of dependable friends here in this world. She doesn't know what "interesting things" Remember was talking about, but she just has to face them with her friends and overcome them one by one.

As she walked through Dissona with this in mind, Piruluk noticed that there was a commotion in the area.

"It's really noisy......"

Ril and Mel also looked around to see what happened.

"Oh! Look at that ......!"

Mel pointed in the direction and saw DIVA battling in the center of the crowd.

"Are you sure that's ...... Kyurukyurun☆mikomiko-san ......?"

Piruluk and her friends had been spending time in this WIXOSS LAND and knew roughly what DIVA was all about. Mikomiko is the leader of the idol DIVA group "Kyurukyurun☆" which recently made a comeback after a temporary hiatus.

"Why is there such a commotion ......?"

The murmur around them was not a cheer for Mikomiko.

“Come on, come on! Mikomiko will take care of you!”

"Come on, come on! Mikomiko will take care of you!"

It seemed that she has just finished her previous battle and was waiting for her next opponent. From the looks of it, she was quite confident in her own strength.

Piruluk ran up to DIVA, who had retreated after losing to Mikomiko.

"What is this situation?"

The DIVA felt down and explained to her.

Mikomiko had a powerful “Partner SIGNI” named “Miko Oshi//Dissona, Natural Bacteria Queen,” which was born from her wish “to have an absolute ardent fans of Mikomiko” and she recruited battle partners, said that she would give them this SIGNI if they win. However, she already mastered her partner's SIGNI, and the challengers who were new to the area and didn't have a strong SIGNI would only be hunted.

Mikomiko had a powerful "Partner SIGNI" named "Miko Oshi//Dissona, Natural Bacteria Queen," which was born from her wish "to have an absolute ardent fans of Mikomiko" and she recruited battle partners, said that she would give them this SIGNI if they win. However, she already mastered her partner's SIGNI, and the challengers who were new to the area and didn't have a strong SIGNI would only be hunted.

"I see."

"So that's the ...... 'Partner SIGNI'....the SIGNI born from DIVA's wish."

"I knew the story was true ......."

Mikomiko was a famous DIVA, so she had a certain amount of strength to begin with. However, looking at this situation, she gained enough strength to defeat numerous DIVAs one after another by acquiring the rumored "Partner SIGNI".

"Let's gather everyone together and share this situation once and for all."

Piruluk who decided that it would be better to explain the current situation to Hanayo and the others in light of the Partner SIGNI, was going to share the situation with them once.

Hanayo and Midoriko heard about the series of stories. Piruluk and her team said they would gather more information and headed back to search in Dissona.

Hanayo and Midoriko heard about the series of stories. Piruluk and her team said they would gather more information and headed back to search in Dissona.

"So you mean that DIVA with Partner SIGNI has an advantage in the current situation. Like that ...... Mikomiko."

Hanayo thought that they might not be able to beat a DIVA like hers now.

"If we let them have their way, the Unknown might be captured by those people ......."

Midoriko is also worried that if they need a strong SIGNI to capture Unknown, then that is likely to be the case.

"I'm sure that's true. So we need a strong SIGNI as soon as possible ......."

"If we don't get one" - that's what Hanayo was about to say.

“...... No, I can not stand it”

"...... No, I can not stand it"

When Tama heard the story, she started running toward the back of Dissona.

"Tama ......!!!"

Fearing that Tama's mind might become unstable again when it came to Unknown, they listened to the story first - but in the end the story was told to Tama in a bad way.

Hanayo and Midoriko were going after Tama.