Dissona Chapter

[Episode2 Part2]BORN=CHAOS


"Ruu, ruuu--! Where are you, Ruu--!"

Tama, stealing the eyes of the staff, entered Dissona. She was running around, looking for the person who looked like the Ruuko she had seen in the broadcast.

As seen in the video, the town is a strange mixture of Japanese and Western styles.

“Huh, huh. ......”

"Huh, huh. ......"

She stopped, took a breath, and looked around. At that moment, a certain person suddenly caught her eye out of the corner of her eye.


When Tama tried to get close to [Unknown] who looked exactly like Ruuko, she took one look at her and then went away again.

“Ruu, why did you run away ......?“

"Ruu, why did you run away ......?"

Tama was about to run after her, but she felt something strange and stopped.

"Tama, Ruuko was there ......!?"

Hanayo and Midoriko caught up with her and called out to Tama, who was standing still.

"Tama ......?"

"It's not ......"


"That's not ......Ruu......."

When Tama actually confronted her, she sensed that the person was not real Ruuko.

"So I guess that means ...... development is right, it is a SIGNI after all."

Midoriko doesn't know much about the workings of this world's SIGNI and systems, but since the people who make them say so, she thinks it might be so.

"But if it's a ...... SIGNI, why is it in the form of Ruuko......?"

Hanayo pointed out that there must be a reason because it is in the form of Ruuko.

Anyway we can't help thinking about it now. We would be better to go back to Piruluk and the others and see what they are going to do.

By the time Tama and the others left Dissona, the broadcast had already ended. Everyone we passed was talking about the event, the rewards, and Dissona.

We met up with Piruluk and the others and came to the cafe to settle down and talk.

"If we capture the SIGNI ...... Unkown in the form of Ruuko, we can get the reward..."

Hanayo had an unsettled look on her face when she heard from Piruluk about the new event.

"Ruu, are you going to get caught......? If you get caught, what will happen to ............?"

Even if it's not the real Ruuko, Tama doesn't want to see Ruuko's looking SIGNI treated badly.

"If it is the Unknown that caused Dissona to be born, it will be analyzed anyway, but they may not be ...... kind to it. ......"

"No way!"

Tama gets up from her chair and gets angry.

"But if we can find the Unknown first, we might be able to hide them or......ask for something as a 'reward'."

"Indeed. I think it's a good idea to participate in the event and find the Unknown, since that's the original purpose of the event to 'do battle at all costs'."

There are no disadvantages, and Ril seems to be in favor of participating in the event.

"Yes, I agree. There is a possibility that we can hear something from the unknown herself. Like why she looks like."

As Hanayo said this, Tama opened her mouth, looking down.

"You know, ......."

She grabbed her own clothes and seemed to be controlling her rising emotions with all her might.

"That SIGNI looks like Ruu, but Ruu would never do anything to annoy someone like this ....... Maybe that Ruu is not from the real Ruu, but a Ruu created from the bad part of Tama's ......."

"Tama ...... why do you think about ......"

Piruluk tried to soothe Tama, but Tama's words didn't stop.

"Because, because, because I have to work hard , it's Tama's turn to work hard, but I'm scared, I can't do that, I'm a bad girl. ...... That's why that's kind of Ruu was born. ......!"

With these words, Tama's limbs changed from white to gray--to black.

“Tama, wait, ......! The color of your body is ......!“

"Tama, wait, ......! The color of your body is ......!"

"Ugh...... this...... is ...... to Tama's heart, bad energy is coming ......!"

The body had been invaded by blackness before, and it had gone out of control.

"...... Oh no!"

Tama quickly folded her arms and tried to hide her hands.

--I don't want to be like that time,......!

"It's okay, Tama. We're with you, okay?"

Mel rubs Tama's back.

"Tama is not a bad girl, you work so hard."

Midoriko also put her hand on Tama's arm and smiled.

"If the Unknown was born from Tama's heart, then we need to help her even more."

Ril looks straight at Tama.

"You're going to protect Ruuko!"

Hanayo inspired, and Tama suddenly realized.

Tama's body was turning even darker, but she did not lost herself as before

Tama's body was turning even darker, but she did not lost herself as before.

"Tama, can you hang in there with us? Even if we have to battle the other DIVAs, let's find the Unknown first......!"

Tama bit her lip and nodded at Piruluk's words.

“Tama ......”

"Tama ......"

Iona was watching Tama and the others from the shadows.

She did not know the truth about their Unkown birth, but she had an entity even if it was a SIGNI, it was the Ruuko of this world. Iona also just went to the Dissona to see her.

--Dissona had an even more mysterious atmosphere than the broadcast images had shown. It was a space that could be described as mysterious or eerie. A sense of someone's will drifting ...... somewhere I've felt before.

The scenery is completely different, but somehow I felt "White window room".

"Ruu is here......"

It is not Tama's one, it is another Ruuko.

"Then I will be allowed to be next to her, will I?"

Iona felt hopeful.

But if someone is to stand next to Ruuko, she deserves to be pure, innocent, and full of hope. An unblemished heart, a bright smile--.

Iona's body turns white. It is as if she is surrounded by a warm and soft light.

"This is ...... white, Yuki ......."

“Wow...you can transform like that!”

"Wow...you can transform like that!"

Before they knew it, a smiling Remember was nearby.

"Is that how you feel about Ruuko-san? I have someone important to me too, so I understand how you feel!"

"......Did you need me?"

Iona - no, Yuki was alarmed by the sudden appearance of Remember.

"Don't look so scared, 'Black Girl'!"

"I'm not ...... the girl in black anymore. I am ...... "Yuki."

"I see, I'm sorry about that! Well then, Yuki. I'm just trying to teach you a good thing."

"A Good thing ......?"

“Yes! I witnessed the moment when Dissona was born. That's why I know - this place was born because of that Ruuko looking SIGNI.”

"Yes! I witnessed the moment when Dissona was born. That's why I know - this place was born because of that Ruuko looking SIGNI."

"So you're saying that what ...... management is saying is correct?"

"That's what I'm saying. So, the only way to stop this fusion is to eliminate Ruuko"


"You already know that, don't you? Whenever someone catches her at an event, your precious Ruuko will be erased for the sake of WIXOSS LAND."

"Ruuko will disappear--......"

"......What is your hope? Why did you morph into different shape?"

"My ...... my hope is ......"

"You don't have to hide your true feelings, pretend you are unaware of your wishes, and give reasons for giving up. Because this is a different world than the one we came from!"

"I don't want ...... this world's Ruu goes away ......."

"Yeah, yeah, you're right."

"I can be next to Ruu here......"

“Today's fortune for Yuki is “good” to be honest at ......! This will make you happy!”

"Today's fortune for Yuki is "good" to be honest at ......! This will make you happy!"

Yuki admitted the wish that had been in the bottom of her heart. The wish that she had thought she had gotten over, the wish that she had been trying not to see.

"Are you happy now, Nanashi?"

After leaving Yuki, Remember had rejoined Nanashi.

“Yes. Remember, you have a talent for riling people up.”

"Yes. Remember, you have a talent for riling people up."

"......, is that a compliment?"

"Yes, It's a compliment. It's a compliment"

"You said if I fired up Iona..no..Yuki, I could play with Kiyoi, so I did my best!

"Good job. I'm sure you'll be able to play with her."

And again, the event entry desk.

It was announced earlier that the schedule for the Unknown Capture Quest in Dissona could be canceled at a moment's notice and the event would begin at any time. The window was filled with DIVA members who were eager to apply. Some of the faces were familiar to Tama and the others.

"I understand that you want to start the quest as soon as possible if the fusion is going to progress as time goes by, but ...... that was really sudden."

Piruluk was proceeding with the entry, listening to the conversation around her. Almost everyone seemed to be in it for the rewards. --It's not surprising.

Even at a quick glance, there were a few percent of DIVAs who are dressed in a mix of Japanese and Western costumes. It seemed that once we completed their entry, we change the costume to match the Dissona worldview.

They were free from the stereotypes of Japanese and Western clothing, wearing yukata and boots instead of geta, or a large-brimmed hat and kimono like the aristocrats.

"When I followed Tama into the area earlier, it really felt like an unknown world. I think we should be very careful once we get inside."

Midoriko warned.

"Yes, I agree. Besides, you never know what the other DIVAs will try to set up for a reward."

Hanayo sensed a tense atmosphere that she has never experienced before.

"It's kind of turned out to be completely different from the original festive atmosphere, hasn't it?"

Ril looked a little disappointed.

"Either way, we're just trying to do our best for our purpose."

Ril shrugged at Mel's words and said "I see that too".

Tama then looked in the direction of Dissona. Tama looks determined to find Ruu as soon as possible.

"Okay. Entry is complete!"

As if Piruluk's words were a signal, Tama's costume changed to her Dissona outfit.

"Wow! I like it, Ril. It's like a blend of Japanese and Western!"

Mel looked at Ril's figure from top to bottom. Ril felt fresh but also a little embarrassed, smiled back and said "Hmmm, yes".

"...... Come on, we can't be too excited. Let's go!"

Piruluk fliped her body over and the group, their faces returned to their seriousness, all run toward Dissona at once.

“Thus began a quest event in which the various wishes, hopes, and speculations of each side - management and development taking advantage of the situation to liven up WIXOSS LAND, Tama and Piruluk and others participating in the event to protect the Unknown, DIVA and others excited to get rewards, Yuki wanting to be next to Ruuko, Nanashi wanting to watch and enjoy the confusion, and Remember wanting to play with Piruluk - were all mixed up.”

Thus began a quest event in which the various wishes, hopes, and speculations of each side - management and development taking advantage of the situation to liven up WIXOSS LAND, Tama and Piruluk and others participating in the event to protect the Unknown, DIVA and others excited to get rewards, Yuki wanting to be next to Ruuko, Nanashi wanting to watch and enjoy the confusion, and Remember wanting to play with Piruluk - were all mixed up.