Dissona Chapter

[Episode2 Part1]BORN=CHAOS


The entry counter for the new WIXOSS LAND event, a new area of the virtual space where DIVA and other DIVA members gather.

Tama, Hanayo, Midoriko, Piruluk, Ril, and Mel were going through the procedures to enter the event.

Midoriko was looking happy and said, "I can't wait to go inside," while Mel said, "I'm getting a little nervous".

Ril is laughing and soothed them by saying, "Don't be in a hurry, the new area won't disappear.

"Tama is looking forward to the new area too."

Tama was barely able to keep up with her friends.

Just as Piruluk and Hanayo were about to complete their entry on behalf of the others, suddenly the screens around the entry counter and the electronic display board switched to a new screen.

"Emergency Broadcast".

Black letters on a red background filling the screen. The crowd was buzzing at the display, which clearly indicated that something unusual had happened.

Then a newscaster appeared on the screen. On the screen was a message like a news bulletin, it says "New area disappears!? Fusion!? Emergency Event!

"What?" "What's going on?" The voices filled the place, then the anchor began to explain.

"---Last night, an unusual situation occurred in two of the new areas that were preparing for an OPEN event. According to the development and management staff who confirmed the situation, the boundary line between the two areas, which were originally supposed to exist separately, has disappeared and they are now just like one area."

"What does it mean ...... that the areas are one ......?"

Piruluk said in surprise.

"The new areas, it's gone ......?"

Midoriko and Mel, who had just been assured that there would be no more, looked at each other.

Ril says, "Is that even possible ......?" She looks batty.

Broadcaster continues the explanation.

"It is our opinion that the two areas have probably 'merged' because they look like a mixture of elements from the two original areas. And the merging is not completely finished, and the phenomenon is still ongoing."

The screen shows the fusion image after the original Japanese style and the Gothic horror style.

The screen shows the fusion image after the original Japanese style and the Gothic horror style.

"Indeed, I see a building that looks more like a mixture of the two elements than a completely new and different one."

Piruluk, her brow furrowed, stares at the screen.

"It looks very frightening. ......"

Hanayo was uneasy at the atmosphere swirling around the new area, which she could see even through the video.

"In development, we named this fusion area [Dissona], which means 'dissonance,' and we made an arrangement to call the SIGNI that are born here [Dissona SIGNI].

It is believed that the Dissona SIGNI are the result of a program to materialize SIGNI that was originally possible in the new area, and that they are characterized by their unique appearance and abilities. There is some information that a little unfriendly faction has formed since the SIGNI were originally from a different area, but ...... let's put this aside for the moment."

"Dissona and Dissona SIGNI ....... The fact that you've given them names suggests to me that you don't expect this situation to be resolved for a while."

Piruluk's view was that if the situation could be resolved quickly, they would not need to give it a name.

"Then what about the event?"

"Perhaps they will explain after this. On-screen text says that there will be an emergency event."

Midoriko, satisfied, turns her head face to the screen.

"And from now the important part--

As development is working to clarify the phenomenon and bring the situation under control, we have come up with a hypothesis that a certain Dissonance SIGNI may be the cause of the problem. Here it is--"

A picture was on screen. That is--.

A picture was on screen. That is--.


A familiar person to Tama and her friends - looked like Ruuko Kominato was on the screen.

The shadowed face and the appearance of the figure are exactly like Ruuko's, although it is too dark to see clearly.

--I was sure that was Ruuko ......!

Tama tries to run out as quickly as she can.


"It's still dangerous ......!"

"If Ruu is there,...... Tama, we have to go!"

Despite Hanayo and Midoriko's attempts to stop Tama, she shook them off and went. In no time at all, she was out of sight because there were many selectors around watching the broadcast.

"What the hell is wrong with ......!"

"This is big trouble......!"

"...... we should watch this broadcast to the end, including what happens to the event. We'll stay here, so Hanayo and Midoriko, go after Tama and ......!"

"Be careful ......!"

"I'm counting on you to take care of Tama. ......!"

Piruluk, Ril, and Mel, who remained where they were, turned their attention back to the screen, suppressing their impatience.

"Now, this SIGNI is named ...... [Unknown]. And as an alternative to the scheduled OPEN event, the management prepares a new event - the [Unknown] capture quest!"

Dr. Tamago's lab.

"......I told you it was dangerous and you shouldn't do it."

It is Dr. Tamago who is complaining bitterly about the management and development of WIXOSS LAND in her own laboratory.

“I advised that the SIGNI was suspicious based on the timing of the outbreak and the wavelength in the area at that time, but ............ it's just a theory, and besides, the area is in such an unstable state. I would never let DIVA fight in an area in such unstable conditions.“

"I advised that the SIGNI was suspicious based on the timing of the outbreak and the wavelength in the area at that time, but ............ it's just a theory, and besides, the area is in such an unstable state. I would never let DIVA fight in an area in such unstable conditions."

This is already the third snack of the day.

“Perhaps the management is also eager to hold a more exciting event somehow. There are rumors that even the opening of the new area was to break out of the slump in popularity of the DIVA Battle.”

"Perhaps the management is also eager to hold a more exciting event somehow. There are rumors that even the opening of the new area was to break out of the slump in popularity of the DIVA Battle."

Nova refills the stock of snacks and listens to Dr. Tamago's opinion.

"Oh, I found some new snacks, so I added them."

"Yeah ....... I think it's a good strategy to stimulate our interest with something new. But even so, that's only possible with the safety of DIVA and the selectors."

"That's true. As I said, I'm sure there are some measures in place to implement it. ......"

"And the reward is 'what DIVA wants' ...... mumble ...... it's too much, isn't it?"

“I see that [Dissona Event Rewards] has also entered the trends within WIXOSS LAND with a sharp increase.”

"I see that [Dissona Event Rewards] has also entered the trends within WIXOSS LAND with a sharp increase."

Bang, who came back to check on the situation, also told Dr that the buzz was considerable.

"It looks like it's going to be more exciting than the original OPEN event, and I guess that's a good thing for the management to plan ......."

Dr. Tamago gulped down her tea before reaching for her fourth snack.

"Well, the materialization of SIGNI was originally the result of my research, ...... and I can't say that I had nothing to do with the occurrence of that SIGNI. It is possible that it was influenced by someone else's 'wish.'"

"If that's the case, your research is too amazing, Dr."

Nova brewed a pot of tea for herself and Dr. Tamago, saying, "As expected of a genius."

"I've learned the lesson that you have to be careful how you use it and who you let use it. For now, I will continue my analysis separately from development and management, while keeping an eye on Dissona and WIXOSS LAND as a whole. You should also be very careful when you go over there."

"Understood, Doctor."

"I think it would be a good idea to give them a word. I think I'm the type of person who gets involved in things unintentionally before I know it. Well, if you ever see them, please talk to them.


"...... huh. I hope it goes off without a hitch. ......"

Dr. Tamago faced the monitor again, eating a piece of her fourth snack, hoping that the situation would be resolved without further problems.