Dissona Chapter

[Episode1]WISH ≠ Apart


Several months had passed since Tama and her LRIG came to this world - the virtual space WIXOSS LAND. During that time, they had interacted with DIVA members such as Hirana and Muzica, and participated in events where they fought WIXOSS as DIVA. Although she had grown accustomed to spending time here since the beginning, she still have the desire to return to her original world. She believed that something called "Masterpiece" might be the clue to this, and she would actively participate in DIVA battles as long as she had the opportunity.

--and Iona was also in WIXOSS LAND. In the world before coming here, the selector battle had ended, and through the wish of Ruuko Kominato, the girls who became LRIG were continuing their lives as humans - or starting a brand-new life.

--and Iona was also in WIXOSS LAND. In the world before coming here, the selector battle had ended, and through the wish of Ruuko Kominato, the girls who became LRIG were continuing their lives as humans - or starting a brand-new life.

They had regained what they had lost in the selector battle, and with what they had newly acquired, they were spending their days together.

Iona was originally a "black girl" without substance created by a "Mayu" with Tama, a "white girl". Unlike Tama who was filled with hope, Iona was filled with the negative aspects of the cocoon, such as envy and hatred. In order to make the girls despair, she was sent as "Black" from the "White Window Room," where Mayu had been, to the outside world.

Yes, Tama - she is different from "White". Even if she admires "White" and wish deep in her heart to be like "White," "Black" cannot become "White". The world of "White" is bright and warm, but the world of "Black" is dark and cold.

However, while fighting as Ruuko's LRIG, "Black" was able to learn about the kindness of human beings. The selector fights for her friends, and Ruuko worries about her. --she wondered if she could also be a part of this warm world.

Ruuko gave her a new name "Yuki". She became Mayu together with Tama and fought against her creator. For Iona, too, Ruuko was an important person. If possible, she would like to live with her in the future. She wished for Ruuko's happiness and wanted to support her. --However, Tama was next to Ruuko. If Tama supports Ruuko outwardly, then she can support her in the background, out of sight. In this way, she will live her life as she is, as one person. If she do that, she is sure that Ruuko will be happy too.

In the midst of all this, she came to this world. Nobody knew the cause and she can't get back to where she was, and more and more time was passing. Both Ruuko and Tama had hoped to live together, but now they are separated again. It seems that Tama and the others are searching for a way to return to their original world, but their progress is not good. If that is the case, she must find a way to return as soon as possible. Tama has another group of friends with her, but Iona is alone, so she can move with ease. She hope that she has to get Ruuko back to a world where she can smile and laugh everyday.

"Ruu, wait for me, ......!"

--She thought so and was investigating WIXOSS LAND on her own.

"That was fun!"

Midoriko stretched with satisfaction as she headed home after the battle.

Midoriko stretched with satisfaction as she headed home after the battle.

"I'm glad we won again today. We got a lot of cheers too."

"Yes, we are getting used to this style and doing rather well in the DIVA battle, aren't we?"

Hanayo also feels the results of what is going well day by day.

“Tama did a great job!“

"Tama did a great job!"

Recently, the team of Tama, Hanayo, and Midoriko had been fighting together, and they had been steadily winning.

"...... yeah"

but despite this, Tama was not in good spirits.

“But again, we didn't find anything about it.”

“But again, we didn't find anything about it."

"It ......"

It was originally supposed to be about getting information on how to return to their original world, to take part in the battle. Sadly they had not made any progress on that.

"How can I go back to Ruu's place ......?"

For Tama, coming to this world separated from her beloved Ruuko was like suddenly losing the most precious thing in her life. Even the positive words of her friends and the cheers of the selectors who watch their battles and cheer them on cannot bring a smile from the bottom of Tama's heart.


Both Hanayo and Midoriko understood how much Tama liked Ruuko. That is why they have been working with her to cheer them up as much as possible and collecting information so that they can return her to their original world as soon as possible. However, neither of these efforts had produced the results they had hoped for.

"We're doing our best, but ...... sorry"

"Nah, it's not everyone's fault......"

“Good job”

"Good job"

As if to break the silence, a familiar voice spoke from behind me. When she turned around and saw Piruluk standing there.

Ril, who put her hand on Tama's shoulder and said, “The battle was a lot of fun,” and Mel, who smiled and said, “It was a nice turn of events. They were watching their battle.”

Ril, who put her hand on Tama's shoulder and said, "The battle was a lot of fun," and Mel, who smiled and said, "It was a nice turn of events. They were watching their battle."

"I heard you. I'm sorry."

Piruluk apologized and pulled out a piece of paper, saying, "So I have a proposal for you". A notice from the development, which had just been released - there were the words "New Area OPEN!"

"New area ......?"

Midoriko looked up and saw Piruluk.

"In addition to the existing areas, they are planning to open a new Japanese style and Gothic Horror style area."

"Japanese style and gothic horror style...... two at once, that's amazing"

The current area where DIVA battles are usually held has the atmosphere of a city at night with neon lights. DIVA battles are held daily in a stadium set up in the middle of the area. The opening of two areas with different atmospheres at the same time suggests that the WIXOSS LAND management has put a lot of effort into this project.

The current area where DIVA battles are usually held has the atmosphere of a city at night with neon lights. DIVA battles are held daily in a stadium set up in the middle of the area. The opening of two areas with different atmospheres at the same time suggests that the WIXOSS LAND management has put a lot of effort into this project.

"The two most requested items in the survey to the selectors."

They all peered at the image of the area on the back of the announcement flyer.

The Japanese-style area is lined with brightly painted vermillion buildings reminiscent of the Heian period, and seems to be built with a sense of emotion. On the other hand, the Gothic horror-style area, while featuring beautiful European Gothic architecture, has a somewhat heavy and dark atmosphere.

"So they're having an event to commemorate it."

"Wow, that sounds interesting."

Hanayo is interested in the contents.

"And eye-catching information, ...... this is the one."

The description of the new battle element, " SIGNI visualization and materialization," is described in the announcement.

"The new area allows us to take our SIGNI out of the cards and make it visible during battle. It seems that we can also interact with it."

"Does it mean that we can call up a SIGNI that was originally a conceptual existence as a real thing?"

Hanayo shouts out in surprise.

We don't know the technical details, but it must have been quite hard research and development to be able to materialize what did not originally exist.

"Yes, but it is still in the experimental stage."

The opening of the new area is a considerable scale, so if there are innovations that will allow people to enjoy battles even more than before, that creates a big buzz.

"It's going to be a pretty big event."

Lil also seems to be interested in the event because it is expected to create a festive atmosphere in the entire WIXOSS Land.

"Yeah, I believed that it's going to be a big event and worth participating in".

However, Tama remained downcast - her expression still stiff.

"But I didn't find, I couldn't go back. ......"

After a certain number of battles, Tama had lost her motivation in the absence of new information. She wonders if there is nothing to be gained by battling.

"It could be that it's just not coming out now, but I believe that it's gradually leading to a solution."

Mel said "I believe so too and I'm battling it out", gently shaking Tama's hand.

".....I doubt that."

"Besides, DIVA battles are fun, right?"

Hanayo looked into Tama's face.

"The battle is ...... fun."

"Then there's also the option of genuinely enjoying the battles, isn't there? I think it's much better than just being depressed."

The same time will pass whether we do something or not. It is important to choose to have a little fun and hope. Fortunately, we have friends here now who are willing to spend same time.

"I'm having fun, but I'm not sure if it's okay. I never know. ......"

She feels like she is doing something bad and uncomfortable - Tama feels that way.

"...... Battle, enjoy ......."

Piruluk heard Tama's words and began to ponder something.

"What's wrong?"

Midoriko wonders as Piruluk reacts in an unexpected point.

"I've been thinking about ...... a little. I've been so focused on why former LRIGs like us came this world."

Piruluk realized that she had been so focused on how to get home that she had never tried to determine why she had come here.

"If there is any reason why they needed us in another world, not DIVA or Selector here, ...... I wonder what they want from us--"

"I see. ......If we know the reason, you mean we might be able to go home."

"Yes. And we are well versed in selector battles, and I would even say that we are rather there for that. So it is possible that we need to fight or enjoy this DIVA battle with all our might. ......" "What is required of us is to do the battle itself. ......?"

"That's what I mean."

Midoriko crosses her arms and thinks that Piruluk's opinion seems to have a point.

"Why didn't we realize this before?"

"I can't say for sure, but it's possible."

”Battle at all costs - we are good at it!"

Hanayo, Ril, and Mel are also satisfied.

"Tama, are you okay with battling?"

Tama looked at Piruluk as if to confirm.

”Yes. Let's face the battle and enjoy the battle - set that as our one-time goal and compete in the event......!"

--After unifying their will once again, Tama and the others decided to enter the new area's OPEN event.

Tama and her friends broke up to take a break today. Tama is walking alone in WIXOSS LAND.

"I wonder what Ruu would do in such a situation."

Tama looks back on her situation and feels depressed, as if everyone is pulling her hand and she is barely moving forward.

"I'm sure she's going to work very hard for all of us. "

Ruuko once fought to save the girls who became Mugen Shoujo ...... and all LRIG. She stood up for everyone, without regard for what would happen to herself. Tama loved her with all her heart.

"I also have to do my best. ...... Now it's my turn to do my best. ......"

Even though she tries to inspire herself to do her best, she ends up feeling ashamed of herself for feeling depressed without Ruuko. Even though they all just decided to work hard together a while ago - she feels that she can't go on like this. In a world without Ruuko, she can't get her energy up.

"I wonder if Ruuko is doing well. ......"

Perhaps Ruuko might be worried about their sudden disappearance. She might also be sad. --Tama can't stay when she thinks like that.

"I don't want Ruu's heart to ache......."

She was caught between "reality" and "her desire", and she became more and more confused about what to do.

How much time had passed since she had left Hanayo and the others. Tama, walking at a leisurely pace with no particular destination in mind, found herself at an unfamiliar place.

"Oh, is that ......? I gotta go back."

So she thought, and was about to go back the way she came.

"Perhaps, are you Tama!?"

An unfamiliar voice stopped her. When she turned around, there were three people standing there who she didn't recognize.

"who are you ......?"

Tama asked. They were DIVA Battle selectors who had become fans after seeing Tama's recent batteles.

"Tama's ...... fans? What ...... is a fan?"

Tama was terrified, but they just kept talking to her.

"Why are you here!?"

"You're so strong, do you have any secrets?"

"The recent increase in DIVA, are you all friendly to begin with?"

While she was bombarded with questions, people who were walking nearby also gathered around.

"Oh, uh...... Tama...... has to go home......"

In no time at all, she was surrounded by so many people that she was overwhelmed by the momentum of the place and backed away.

"Please wait a minute."

One selector grabs Tama by the wrist - she can't stand it!

"Tama ...... doesn't know!"

She shook off the hand that grabbed her and forced herself to scramble through the human wall to get out of there.

"Ha, ha, ha--"

She turned down the street at the corner, made sure no one was following her, and then crouched down in place. As she hugged her knees and buried her face, she almost cried involuntarily--.


She look up to the sky to keep the tears from spilling, and her thoughts turn to Ruuko, who is somewhere else in the world, but all she can see are buildings with neon lights that are blurred by her tears. She feels as if everything in the world is standing in the way of her and Ruuko.

"Ruu, Ruu...... I want to go home, I want to see you......"

Tama's strong and deep feelings for Ruuko reverberate throughout WIXOSS LAND.

The Japanese style area is on the left and the Gothic horror style area is on the right.

The Japanese style area is on the left and the Gothic horror style area is on the right.

"I didn't think we could come in so easily."

"I was told that this direction was lucky! It's thanks to my fortune-telling, isn't it?"

"Hmmm, I'm not so sure about that. Well, I hope the result is good."

"Why don't you just thank me honestly?"

Remember is looking around the area while mumbling. But if she looks closely, there is a mysterious part.

"Nanashi, isn't there something strange about this place?"

"Yes, I guess so. ......"

"Is there something hazy or distorted about it, or is it ...... not finished yet?"

"I think the notice said it was finished. ......"

"I guess that means it's not finished yet, right? The event may not be very exciting if it looks like this. I thought I would be able to play with Kiyoi."

Remember was disappointed, but Nanashi was alarmed by the discomfort because she felt like it's not just the look that's distorted, it's the space itself.

"What's going on in the back...?"

"...... wait a minute."

Remember thought she heard something and stopped her from proceeding into the area.

"...... I hear something. ...... is this a voice ......?"

It is a strange sensation, as if it is echoing somewhere far away, as if it is whispering in ear. But it is definitely audible.

-- "Ruu, I miss you,......," "Ruu,......," "I want to go home,......," "Ruu! ......!" The voices are saying.

"This voice ......."

At that moment, the floor a little ahead of their line of sight glowed, swirling and distorting.

"Yikes! What is it ......!"

As Remember backs away in surprise, the light grows even larger and a shadow appears in it. It appeared to be human - a girl.

She is in uniform and has black hair that is slightly longer than her shoulders. A single strand of hair tied high on the side of her face. It was the appearance of someone they both knew.

She is in uniform and has black hair that is slightly longer than her shoulders. A single strand of hair tied high on the side of her face. It was the appearance of someone they both knew.

"What...... why......?"

"Don't tell me ...... that girl came to this world too......?"

"I don't know if it's real or not, but ......."

While she said this, the space became more and more distorted, and the two areas that were originally supposed to be separated became blended together. As if centered on "something" in the form of Ruuko Kominato, the wind swirls and space is drawn in. And the boundary between the two areas is gradually lost.

"This is going to be ...... interesting. ......"

With her long, flowing hair tucked behind her ears, Nanashi lifted the corners of her mouth and smiled.

This phenomenon will undoubtedly cause problems down the road. People will be desperate for something again, and they will show their nice faces--.

"Perhaps I can play with Kiyoi ......! I knew I was lucky with this direction!"

And if WIXOSS LAND is confused, Piruluk cannot stay uninvolved. If this happens, it will be a great opportunity for Remember to play with Piruluk under compulsion.

An abnormal situation is an opportunity.

However, if they don't leave the area, both of them will be caught up in this fusion. It would be better to leave the area for a while and see what happens.

"Well - let's see how you guys come up with something, shall we?"

The whirling space was filled with Nanashi's suspicious voice.

Beep, beep, beep.

An alert informing of an emergency situation was sounding in the operation and development office of WIXOSS LAND. According to the analysis, the location where the error is occurring is a new area. However, since the cause cannot be identified, it is remotely impossible to determine what is going on.

"Hey, what is this ......!"

The staff who rushed to the site to confirm the cause saw an area that looked different from the two new areas that were supposed to be there.

Japanese and Western elements and colors are mixed together. The two things that should have existed separately, Japanese style and Gothic horror style buildings and cityscapes, are mixed together, forcing them to become one and barely keeping them together. It has an eeriness that even the hearts of the people standing there are agitated. If even a single infrastructure was removed, the whole world would collapse at once.

Japanese and Western elements and colors are mixed together. The two things that should have existed separately, Japanese style and Gothic horror style buildings and cityscapes, are mixed together, forcing them to become one and barely keeping them together. It has an eeriness that even the hearts of the people standing there are agitated. If even a single infrastructure was removed, the whole world would collapse at once.

"How did this happen? ......"

The staff hurried back to the management and development office to report the situation.