Dissona Chapter



Normally, she is a LRIG with pure innocence and kind feelings. She is homesick after coming to the DIVA world unintentionally. Her wish causes the Dissona area to be born, and she morphs into a black form. Her partner SIGNI is “Destro/Dissona,” the embodiment of the destructive impulse.


She is a LRIG with a sisterly temperament and has been relied upon by other LRIGs since her arrival in the DIVA world. She stands up to solve the mystery of the Dissona area that has suddenly appeared. Her partner SIGNI is "Secra // Dissona," the embodiment of the desire for love.


She is a rational, friend-oriented, and gentle LRIG. Since coming to the world of DIVA, she has been living a reasonably happy and peaceful life with her friends. Her partner SIGNI is "Wolfrend//Dissona," the embodiment of the desire to be friends.


A cool and companionable LRIG. She feels that she has gotten into trouble again by coming to the DIVA world. She throws herself into the battle to solve the anomalies in the Dissona area. Her partner SIGNI is "Save // Dissona," the embodiment of the desire to save.


She is a laid-back person with a calm personality. In the world of DIVA, she enjoys her own pace of life with Ril. She is investigating the mysteries of the Unknown with Ril to unravel the mysteries of the Dissona area. Her partner SIGNI is "Stove//Dissona," the embodiment of the desire to be close to the other person.


She is intelligent and straightforward. She is often with Mel in the Diva world, looking for a way to return to her original world. She supports her friends by taking the form of SIGNI in order to solve the mysteries of the Dissona area.


She is always positive and optimistic. She is a fan of the legendary Diva "Mugen Shoujo". She is chasing after Unknown because she wants to help the Divas who are in trouble due to the outbreak of the Dissona area. Her partner SIGNI is "Teppen // Dissona," the embodiment of her desire to be the best.


An idle Diva with a cute side and cunning. She entered the Dissona area for the reward of the Unknown Capture Quest, and quickly won it by making full use of her partner SIGNI. Her partner SIGNI is "Miko Oshi // Dissona," the embodiment of an absolute fan of herself.

Dr. Tamago

A young Diva with a genius mind. She is currently researching the existence of LRIG's who seem to come from another world, Wixoss Land and Masterpiece. She supports her friends, this time in the form of SIGNI, in their quest to solve the mysteries of the Dissona area.


She has a mysterious atmosphere with polite language. She is always looking for something fun to do in the world of DIVA. She works in the dark to accelerate the chaos that has occurred in the Dissona area. Her partner SIGNI is "Hedonim// Dissona," the embodiment of hedonism.


Despite its appearance, this LRIG has a cruel side. In the world of DIVA, she often works with Nanashi and Urith. She is aware of Piruluk's presence in the Dissona area and seems to be planning something bad. Her partner SIGNI is "Sadestal // Dissona", the embodiment of aggravation.


She was active as Iona in the world of Diva, but one day she took on the form of Yuki. Motivated by her secret feelings, she participates in the Unknown Capture Quest. Her partner SIGNI is "Connect // Dissona," the embodiment of the desire to communicate with the heart.


A mysterious SIGNI that looks like Ruuko Kominato. It appears with Dissona area. The cause of its appearance is unknown, and the WIXOSS LAND management has issued a quest to capture the Unknown, opening the curtain for a fierce DIVA battle in the Dissona area.


She appeared in the form of Tama and Yuki in order to counter the wishes of the Unknown.It has a powerful force comparable to the Unknown.